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nPlan x AACE: Making project controls and risk analysis more proactive by using AI to analyze the project future

April 19, 2023
Project Controls is too often seen as a reactive discipline with risk analysis being limited to sanction decisions. This session looks at recent developments in AI and simulation, with an emphasis on how these can help make Project Controls more proactive and risk analysis more timely and realistic by addressing a project’s potential futures and making more risk aware, robust decisions.

Key takeaways include:

- Using AI to simulate large numbers of scenarios from a risk analysis
- Using scenarios to prepare mitigation plans in advance
- Properly estimating tail risk and how to use that information to be prepared
- Using the above to make robust decisions that survive more of the adverse scenarios

Presenter: Alan Mosca, Co-founder and CTO, nPlan
AACE Host: John Hollman, PE CCP CEP DRMP FAACE Hon. Life